Catalyst Warranty
The catalytic precious-metals of the Condar combustor, installed to replace the stove-manufacturer’s original combustor, are expected to achieve catalytic reaction of combustion smoke for up to 12,000 hours of burn time. Clean and dry wood fuel must be used, and the stove (or fireplace insert) operated according to manufacturer’s instructions. A “clean burn” depends also on the age and design of the stove. Therefore, Condar doesn’t guarantee emissions will conform to present government performance standards in your jurisdiction.
Structural Warranty
Effective December 31, 2022 Condar Company doesn’t guarantee the structural integrity of its SteelCat or ceramic-substrate combustors, for your application. Over-firing, failure to use a catalytic thermometer for monitoring temperature of the combustor, and aging of your stove (or insert) components are among the factors that may cause a combustor to deform, crack, or crumble over time.
Therefore, all written and/or implied warranties pertaining to structural degradation of Condar after-market combustors are discontinued, for all factory shipments after December 31, 2022 direct to consumers or to the trade.
The customer must inspect the combustor immediately upon receipt, and return the product unused within 30 days, to our North Carolina factory for refund or exchange. Condar doesn’t warrant structural integrity after the combustor has been installed, or after it has been used.